

Sarah Clemmons

 Dr. Sarah Clemmons


Steve Young Pam Rentz 

Steve Young

Vice President of Administrative & Business Affairs

Pam Rentz

Vice President of Instructional Affairs

Bonnie Smith Wendy Pippen Matt White

Bonnie Smith

Associate Vice President of Student Affairs

Wendy Pippen

Associate Vice President of Human Resources

Matt White

Associate Vice President of InformationTechnology

Comptroller - Shanda O’Bryan
Dean of General Studies - Dr. Willie Spires
Dean of School of Business and Technology - Dr. Arlene Davis
Dean of School of Education - Dr. Gina McAllister
Dean of School of Health Sciences - Dr. Trilla Mays
Director of Workforce and Education - Vacant
Director of Assessment, Compliance and Grants - Brent Shelton
Director of Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) - Allyson Howell
Director of Athletics - Jeff Johnson
Director of Enrollment Services and Registrar - Ashley Harvey
Director of Facilities and Campus Operations - Dennis Kosciw
Director of Financial Aid - Beverly Hambright
Director of Fine and Performing Arts - Evelyn Ward
Director of Foundation - Julie Fuqua
Director of Learning Resources - Vikki Milton
Public Information Officer - Meri Mock
Director of Public Service Programs - Jamie McAllister
Director of Student Support Services (SSS) Grant - Kristie Mosley
Director of TV & Video - Eric Dove