
Zoology Lab

Course Code:

Credit Hours:

Effective beginning:



Course Description:
The zoology labs are designed to provide students with a hands-on experience examining a diverse range of animals representing different animal phyla. By closely examining live and preserved specimens, students will gain a strong understanding and appreciation for the wide diversity in animal life cycles, body morphology and adaptations. Two hours of laboratory per week.


Course Details


Corequisite: ZOO 2010



Heriberto Deleon


Required textbooks/ course materials:

Van De Graaff's Photogaphic Atlas for the Zoology Laboratory. Eighth Edition. Bryon Adams and John Crawley. ISBN: 9781617317675


Assignment/course outline:

See first-day handout.


Discipline-level learning outcomes:

The purpose of the study of the natural sciences component in the core curriculum is to enable the student to understand, construct, and evaluate relationships in the natural sciences, and to understand the bases for building and testing scientific theories.

NS-1 Recognize appropriate scientific terminology.

NS-2 Apply scientific principles or concepts. 

NS-3 Solve real-world problems using scientific knowledge.


Course-level learning outcomes:

Course-level student learning outcomesDiscipline-level learning outcomesAssessment methods
  • Demonstrate proper laboratory, and laboratory safety techniques
  • Identify animals from all major phyla, identifying both internal and external anatomical features and features required for the completion of life histories
  • Demonstrate proper dissection techniques of animals from a variety of animal phyla for revealing internal anatomy and the relationship of organs and organ systems.
  • Conduct literature review for written and oral reports on specific endangered species as part of the required course materials

NS-1, NS-2

NS-1, NS-2

NS-1, NS-2, NS-3

NS-1, NS-2, NS-3

Quizzes, Final Exams, Skills Demonstration, Practicum, Experiments, Projects, Writing Assignments


Means of accomplishing learning outcomes:

Laboratory activities are primarily hands-on, designed to reinforce lecture topics. This includes active literature review, animal dissections, and the completion of a dedicated research project on select endangered species. Other teaching strategies may include: use of inquiry, science activities, demonstrations, problem solving, critical thinking, cooperative groups, process skills (describing relationships between variables, acquiring and processing your own data, analyzing investigations, constructing hypotheses, defining variables operationally, designing investigations, experimenting), class discussions, large and/or small group projects, oral presentations, read and report on subject matter articles from referred journals, reflective papers.

  1. Office appointments will be made to discuss progress, as needed.
  2. Tutoring will be available through the Academic Center of Excellence (ACE Lab).
  3. On occasion exponential learning will be made available by visiting available agencies to augment the learning process.


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