
Mathematics through Tutoring

Course Code:

Credit Hours:

Effective beginning:



Course Description:
The goals of this course are: refinement or acquisition of mathematics skills and connections between mathematics topics needed for successfully tutoring in an academic setting; acquisition of general methods of tutoring as well as specific tutoring techniques needed for specific courses. Teacher-tutor seminars, teacher-tutor conferences, and formal instruction will supplement the extensive tutoring experiences.


Course Details


Prerequisite: Consent of the department



As assigned


Required textbooks/ course materials:

No textbook or course materials are required to purchase for this course. This is a ZTC, no textbook cost course.



Assignment/course outline:

See first-day handout.


Discipline-level learning outcomes:

Demonstrate Basic Mathematical Skills and Knowledge

M-1  Apply arithmetic, algebraic, or geometric skills to solve mathematical problems.

M-2  Represent basic mathematical information verbally, numerically,  graphically, or symbolically.

M-3  Use technology to solve mathematical problems.

M-4  Interpret mathematical models  such as formulas, graphs, tables and schematics.

M-5  Use mathematical processes in solving real world applications.


Course-level learning outcomes:

Course-level student learning outcomesDiscipline-level learning outcomesAssessment methods
  • Demonstrate knowledge of math subject matter at a level appropriate for the level of coursework completed.
  • Apply specific problem-solving strategies used in Chipola Math classes to tutoring sessions.
  • Show familiarity with software programs used in the mathematics courses.
  • Identify appropriate communication techniques for use in math tutoring sessions.
  • Identify appropriate ethics to be used during mathematics tutoring sessions.
  • Identify record-keeping strategies for maintaining historical logs of tutoring sessions

M-1, M-2, M-4

M-1, M-2, M-3, T-1

M-3, T-1

No artifact will be submitted for program assessment as MAT 2905 is not a general education course.


Means of accomplishing learning outcomes:

Teacher Centered: Instructor will demonstrate specific problem-solving techniques used in Chipola Math classes.

Seminars/conferences: Students and instructor(s) will meet to discuss assigned readings.

Role modeling: Students and instructors actively demonstrate various tutoring techniques. 

Student Centered: Student will work as tutors in the lab to provide individualized help, and will keep both a time sheet recording hours worked and a log of the number of students tutored and the time spent tutoring each student.

Office Hours: The instructor will be available during office hours for individual assistance. The instructor’s schedule can be found posted on their office door and/or via their individual web site.


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