Quality Enhancement Plan


QEP Chipola College


The goal of the QEP is to enable our students to make informed decisions regarding their Career Goals and related Education Pathways.

About Chipola College's QEP

The QEP will help students identify career goals and educational pathways and is supported by educational research and best practices.

Institutional Need

Fall 2016 Entering Student Survey results indicated a need to help first-time-in-college students make career and educational pathway decisions because 100% of respondents indicated “yes” or “maybe” when asked if they needed help identifying a college major or career.

Students were much more likely to graduate if they had identified a major before beginning their second semester.

Over the past four fall semesters, 50 percent of FTIC students entered Chipola College with General Studies (undecided) as their major.

Plan to Achieve the Goal

Implement a co-requisite course (SLS 1401) to the required orientation course.

Course will included assignments designed to help students achieve career-related student learning outcomes.

Assessment - How do we define SUCCESS?

After providing students with an opportunity to research and make informed decisions about their career and education options in SLS 1401, the number of students with General Education (undecided) as their major will decrease by 50 percent.