
Chipola College has the right and the duty to protect its educational purposes and its students through the reasonable regulation of student conduct and the use of the institution’s facilities. In order to accomplish this goal, the college finds it necessary to set forth the following regulations which require student compliance for the welfare of the college community.

Students who are alleged to have violated one or more of the regulations stated in the Catalog may be charged with the violation(s) in accordance with Chipola College Disciplinary Procedures. Due process and proper procedural safeguards will be observed. The standards of conduct, the disciplinary responsibilities of institutional officials, and the regular disciplinary procedures are communicated in these Student Rights and Responsibilities. The following policies and procedures are subject to change, even after the College Catalog and the Student Handbook/Planner have been published.

No student shall commit, or aid in the intentional commission of, an act which results in a fire being ignited which causes damage, or is intended to cause damage, to the property of the college or to the property of any other person.

Nothing is more important than the safety and security of the students and employees of the College. Any act of physical abuse, verbal abuse, profanity, indecent or abusive language, intimidation, harassment, stalking, coercion, or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health, safety, or well being of any person may be subject to disciplinary action.

Assault and/or Battery
No student shall threaten to cause bodily harm or discomfort to another as such would constitute assault. Nor shall any student commit, or aid in the intentional commission of, an act which causes bodily harm or discomfort to another person as such would constitute a battery. Students are subject to prosecution according to Florida statute.

Bad Checks
Students shall not make and/or deliver any check to the college which is not supported by sufficient funds on deposit or which is in any way worthless.

A student present during the commission of an act by another student which constitutes a violation of college policy may also be charged if his/her subsequent behavior constitutes permission or approval of the violation. Students witnessing any act(s) which constitute(s) violation of college policy are required to report such incidents to the proper authorities. Confidentiality of the identity of students reporting violations will be maintained as it is not the intent of the college to burden innocent witnesses.

Complying with Reasonable Requests
Students are required to comply with reasonable requests or orders by college officials acting in behalf of the college. This includes providing identification when requested and keeping appointments in administrative offices and at disciplinary investigations and hearings.

Contracting or Representing in the Name of the College
Students are prohibited from contracting in the name of the college, may not claim to be official representatives of the college for any commercial purpose, and may not use the College name, logo, etc., without prior authorization from the college President or his designee.

Damage or Destruction of Property
Accidental damage, vandalism, or malicious damage to property belonging to Chipola College or others may require restitution from the person responsible for such damage and/or disciplinary action.

Defamation, Threats, and Extortion
Verbal or written communication which unlawfully exposes any individual or group to hatred, contempt or ridicule, and thereby injures the person, property, or reputation of another, is prohibited.

Verbal or written communication which threatens another with a crime or offense, threatens injury to the person, property, or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace, with the intent to extort money or other advantage whatsoever, is prohibited.

All forms of dishonesty, including knowingly furnishing false information to the institution, and forgery, alteration, or use of institution documents, or instruments of identification with intent to defraud are prohibited.

Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly conduct or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression on college owned or college controlled property or at college sponsored or college supervised functions is prohibited.

Florida Statute 877.13 provides that disruption of the normal activities of the institution is prohibited. Disruption shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

1) Physical violence or abuse of any person or college owned or college controlled property, or at college sponsored or college supervised functions, or conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.
2) Deliberate interference with academic freedom and freedom of speech, including not only disruption of a class, but also interference with the freedom of any speaker invited by a section of the college community to express his/her views. A faculty member is authorized to have students removed from class if warranted.
3) Forcible interference with the freedom of movement of any member or guest of the college.
4) Blocking of entrances to buildings, rooms, or sections of buildings, or of hallways, or stairways, in such fashion that people find it difficult or impossible to pass.
5) Noisemaking or other physical behavior which is so distracting that it is difficult or impossible to conduct a class, a meeting, or any other authorized event.
6) Congregating in such a fashion as to create a situation which could endanger life or property.
7) Incitement to any of the above mentioned actions, or to other violations of college policy which could result in such actions, whether orally or through written materials or pictures.
8) Any disruption that interferes with teaching and learning, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other college activities.

A conviction of disruption is a second degree misdemeanor and carries a minimum of six (6) months in jail and a minimum fine of $500.

Distribution of Literature
Students may post/distribute literature according to CAP 3.4. In the event of congestion or unreasonable interference with the flow of students passing through the area, such activity may be reasonably regulated. Students are expected to use mature judgment and a sense of discretion in the publication, posting and distribution of any materials on campus and to realize that they and their group or organization must accept responsibility for the consequences of their behavior.

Electronic Device Usage Statement
Classrooms should be free of all unnecessary distractions from the task of learning. Therefore, as a general rule, students should silence and avoid use of all electronic devices (laptops, phones, tablets, etc.) not being used for coursework. Consult first-day handouts for any specific policies related to the use of electronic devices in the classroom, as they may vary depending upon the nature of the course or the guidelines of the instructor. Faculty reserve the right to regulate the use of electronic devices and their accessories in class.

Sale of Literature or Goods
Approved student organizations may sell literature or goods on campus within the public areas set aside by the College. Tables and easels may be set in designated areas. In these designated areas, signs may be used in conjunction with the tables; table should be supervised at all times. In the event of congestion or unreasonable interference with the flow of students passing through the area, such activity may be reasonably regulated. Students are expected to use mature judgment and a sense of discretion when selling literature/goods on campus and to realize that they and their group or organization must accept responsibility for the consequences involved with those sales.

Dress Standards
Students must comply with standards of dress established for safety or health reasons in specific classes. Students should be neat and clean in appearance and dress in a manner that does not bring discredit to the institution.

Falsification of Records
Falsification of college records, including, but not limited to admission, registration, student disciplinary and health records, student identification cards, etc. by forgery, or other means of deception, is prohibited.

Gambling, to include engaging in or offering games of chance for money or other gain in violation of Florida law, is prohibited on college property, including college vehicles used for transportation.

Chipola College is committed to maintaining a supportive educational environment for all members of the college community. The Board will not tolerate harassment activity by any of its employees, non-employee volunteers who work subject to control of school authorities, and/or other third parties. A key component of this commitment is the elimination of disability, racial, and ethnic harassment on campus. Harassment of any nature is prohibited whether it is sexual, racial, related to a disability, or based on national origin. Harassment is a form of discrimination and is conduct unbecoming of a college employee or student. Note: This college policy (BOT policy 4.421) also applies to employment applicants and prospective students.

Harassment includes unwelcome conduct and verbal or physical conduct reflecting on an individual’s race, disability, ethnic background, or national origin which has the purpose or effect of creating intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational or work environment, has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual’s work or school performance or participation; or otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment or educational opportunities.

The college is equally opposed to bad faith claims of race and national origin harassment which have no rational basis in fact and are deliberately designed to adversely affect the employment or personal relationships of persons against whom the complaint is made.

This document is included in all publications of the College Catalog, Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty Handbooks, and similar handbooks issued for other employees and provides basic steps of due process available to the complainant.

Disciplinary Action – Any employee or student of this institution who is found to have harassed another employee or student will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination, suspension, and/or expulsion; within the provisions of applicable current Board rules.

Steps to Prevent – Intolerance of race and national origin harassment on the part of students or college employees is not acceptable. It is the responsibility of students and employees to report incidents of harassment. Liability for harassment can be avoided when harassing situations are corrected as soon as the college becomes aware of them. Only by reporting incidents is the college alerted to possible harassment. Therefore, it is necessary for anyone with knowledge of harassment to report such activity.

Failure to report harassment may affect the mental or physical well being of the victim. It can prevent the individual from being a fully productive member of the college community.

Steps to prevent disability, race, and national origin harassment include:

  1. Learn to recognize actions that constitute harassment.
  2. Do not accept harassment as “the way things are” or as a joking matter. Correct the problem.
  3. Encourage individuals who have knowledge of harassment, or may or may not be victims, to report such action.
  4. Be supportive of individuals who are victims of harassment

If You Are a Victim

  1. Tell the individual, firmly but politely, that you think what he or she is doing is harassment which is against college policy.
  2. If the problem continues, report the problem to an advisor, a faculty member, or a college administrator.
  3. The advisor, faculty member, or administrator will confer with the claimant and refer the person to the College’s Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Officer. If efforts to resolve a complaint informally do not succeed, the aggrieved individual should file a written, formal complaint with the EA/EO officer. The college will not take formal action on an allegation unless the complaint is filed in writing. In the interest of a timely resolution of complaints, a formal complaint must be filed within sixty (60) days of the alleged incident of harassment.
  4. The EA/EO officer shall conduct a prompt, thorough and confidential (to the extent feasible) formal investigation of any allegations of harassment.
  5. All documents, communications, and records dealing with the investigation shall be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible and shall be filed separately from the personnel files and other college records of all participants. All such files shall be maintained in the office of the EA/EO officer.
  6. The EA/EO officer, with advice of counsel, shall file with the president a written report within thirty (30) days after a formal harassment complaint is filed indicating conclusions as to whether or not there is reasonable cause to believe harassment has occurred based on the evidence obtained. The EA/EO officer shall provide a copy of this report and discuss its findings in confidential meetings with the complainant and the accused party.
    Filing of a complaint or otherwise reporting harassment will not affect the individual’s current employment or enrollment status, future employment or promotion status, work assignments, future enrollment status, or extracurricular activities. Retaliation against any individual for good faith reporting of a claim of harassment or cooperating in an investigation will not be tolerated and will itself be subject to appropriate discipline. The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the accused, will be respected, consistent with the Board’s legal obligation, and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and take corrective action when this conduct has occurred. If the harassment issue is sexual in nature, refer to the specific section entitled Sexual Harassment.

Chipola College Policy 3.260 Prohibition of Hazing and Florida Statute 1006.63 forbids students from engaging in any kind of hazing action or situation on or off-campus which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into, affiliation with or participation in any student organization.

Any Chipola College organization found to engage in any of the above hazing behaviors will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Governance, Right & Responsibilities section of the student code of conduct. In addition to the penalties listed, Chipola College “may include the imposition of fines; the withholding of diplomas or transcripts pending compliance with the rules or pending payment fines. In case of an organization … which authorizes hazing in blatant disregard of such rules, penalties may also include the rescission of permission for that organization to operate on campus property or to otherwise operate under the sanction of the institution. All penalties imposed under the authority of this subsection shall be in addition to any penalty imposed for violation of any of the criminal laws of this state or for violation of any other rule of the institution to which the violator may be subject,” including Florida Statute 1006.63. Rules adopted pursuant hereto shall apply to acts conducted on or off campus whenever such acts are deemed to constitute hazing.

Identification of Students
Students are required to present identification when requested by authorized college officials. Any misrepresentation, alteration, or misuse of identification is prohibited.

Illegal Drugs and Narcotics
Chipola College has a Drug Free Campus Policy and Program. No student can realize his or her full potential without maintaining optimum mental and physical health. Both mental and physical health are severely impaired by drug and alcohol abuse. The Drug-Free Campus Program of Chipola College is outlined as follows:

Standards of Conduct—Chipola College prohibits the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and possession or use of alcohol by all students and employees on school premises or as part of any of its activities. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all students of Chipola College.

Health Risks—Alcohol and illicit drugs can have a pronounced detrimental effect on the health and welfare of users and those with whom users come in contact. Most cause psychological and physical dependence. Others affect the central nervous system to such an extent that they cause users to be dangerous to themselves and those around them. Illicit drugs cause obvious social and behavioral problems.

Institutional Penalties—The minimum penalty for illegal possession of illicit drugs shall be probation or suspension, depending upon the substance abused, as identified in Schedules I-V of Chapter 893.02 of the Florida Statutes.

Students and employees are responsible for knowing about and complying with the provisions of Florida law that make it a crime to possess, sell, deliver, or manufacture those drugs designated collectively as “controlled substances” in Chapter 893, Sections .035, .0356 of Florida Statutes. Any violation of this policy may result in discipline up to and including dismissal and referral for prosecution.

Possession, sale, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus, or at off-campus college-sponsored activities is prohibited. Students found to be in violation of this college policy (BOT Policies 3.370 and 4.280) will be subject to penalties under the provisions of the Disciplinary Procedures as outlined in the Student Rights & Responsibilities, Code of Conduct.

Legal Sanctions—Students will be subject to all the penalties prescribed by applicable Florida Statutes.

Counseling, Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs—Students who want detailed information about available referral services or assistance should contact Student Affairs (A-112).

Misuse of Computer and Computer Information Resources
Students will be subject to disciplinary action and all penalties prescribed by Florida law for altering modifying, destroying, disclosing or taking information resource property, (including equipment, supplies, data, programs, software, and supporting documents) as well as modifying equipment or supplies without proper authorization; unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose; unauthorized transfer of a file; unauthorized use of another individual’s identification and/or password; use of any computing facilities, either locally or remotely, to interfere with the work of another student, faculty or staff member of the College, or negatively impact the College network and/or computing system; use of any computing facilities, either locally or remotely, to transmit or display obscene or abusive content/material through the College network and/or computing system; and use of any computing facilities, either locally or remotely, to interfere with the normal operation of the College network and/or computing system. See CAP 1.2, Chipola College Network, Internet, and Lab Use Acceptable Use Procedure, for detailed information concerning responsibilities and penalties.

Misuse of Emergency Equipment
Fire escapes, ground level fire doors, fire hoses, fire extinguishers, AED’s, and alarm equipment are to be used only in emergencies. Tampering with, or misuse of, these emergency devices, or blocking of fire exits or other means of impeding traffic, is prohibited.

The operation of a private vehicle on the Chipola College campus is a privilege and not a right. All students, including evening students, are required to obtain and display a current Chipola College parking decal. Annual parking decals may be obtained by providing a current vehicle registration in the Business Office (A-165). Failure to do so may result in a citation and fine as well as disciplinary action.

Parking Permit - Students are required to park in student-designated spaces and to display a current parking decal on their vehicle if they wish to park on campus. The parking decal must be displayed on the left side of the back windshield of automobiles and in a visible spot on the rear of a motorcycle.

Parking Areas - Parking areas with white and non-painted curbs are designated student parking areas. Restricted campus parking areas are as follows:
Blue: Restricted for handicapped access
Red: Restricted for fire hydrants
Yellow: Restricted no parking areas
Green: Restricted for staff

Handicapped Parking - Parking in handicapped parking spaces requires a state issued tag or placard. For temporary Chipola College handicapped parking please contact the Chipola College Disability Services Advisor. Violations are subject to civil penalties as allowed by Florida Statute.

Traffic and Parking Violations - Students may park in the green staff parking areas after 4:00 p.m. daily and on weekends and holidays except in areas adjacent to the College Residence Hall and the Milton H. Johnson Health Center. Vehicles blocking the normal flow of traffic, blocking handicapped access ramps, or impeding emergency access to buildings may be towed at the operator’s or owner’s expense; additionally, vehicles left parked on campus in excess of 72 hours will be considered abandoned and may be towed at the owner’s or operator’s expense. Parking in handicapped areas, no parking areas, visitor parking, and parking around fire hydrants remains restricted parking at all times. Penalties will be imposed for the following violations:

  1. Parking in restricted area.
  2. Parking in handicapped zone.
  3. No college parking permit.
  4. Parking in visitor space.
  5. Blocking road, crosswalk, or driveway.
  6. Parking in “No Parking” zone.
  7. Parking in Bus Area.
  8. Parking on grass.
  9. Obstructing a fire plug.
  10. Driving on Grounds.
  11. Making excessive noise.
  12. Driving wrong way on one-way street.
  13. Exceeding 15 MPH.
  14. Other (As specified by Ticketing Officer)

Fines - All fines, except for parking in spaces reserved for the handicapped, are $20 per violation. The fine for illegal parking in a handicapped zone is $50 per violation. Fines may be paid in the Business Office (A-165). SGA Traffic Court is held monthly for violators wishing to dispute their ticket issuance; lack of available parking space is not a viable reason for dispute. Contact the Student Activities Coordinator for additional information.
Students having two (2) or more unpaid/outstanding parking tickets will have their records placed on hold; resulting in grades being withheld, inability to register for future classes, and transcripts being withheld.

Parking tickets issued for “No College Parking Permit” will be voided upon the issuance of a valid College permit. Maximum number of tickets voided for this violation is two (2) per school year.

Trained service animals are permitted on the campus, but no other pets or animals of any kind are permitted on the campus or in Residence Hall apartments. Service animals must be registered with Disability Services prior to entering campus.

Possession of Weapons, Firearms, Fireworks, Explosives
Chipola College is committed to maintaining an educational and workplace environment that is free of violence. The College further recognizes the existence of extensive legislative acts and constitutional provisions pertaining to the rights and obligations of those who own or possess firearms, especially those addressing the right to carry, store, and transport firearms on one’s person and within motor vehicles.

Public Laws
Any act by a student that occurs on campus and constitutes a charge of violation of a public law may establish cause for legal and/or disciplinary action by the college.

Recognition of Student Groups
Established recognition procedures must be met and approved by the administration of the college in order for any group to be classified as a student organization. See “Procedure for Establishing a New Organization,” in the Campus Organization Manual, available from the Student Activities Office.

Residence Hall Regulations
It is expected that students residing in the Residence Hall will cooperate with college officials and with each other in maintaining a routine of living conducive to study and to wholesome college life. All students are reminded that they are also subject to and will be held responsible for all rules and regulations as published in this document and in other college publications, including announcements on bulletin boards.

A copy of the Residence Hall Regulations will be given to each student and must be read and signed by the student (and by the student’s parents if the student is under age 18) prior to occupancy of a Residence Hall room. The student’s signature signifies that he/she understands and will abide by these regulations.

Sexual Harassment
It is the policy that no member of the college community may sexually harass another. Any employee or student will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary action for violation of this college policy (BOT Policy 4.420). Sexual harassment is illegal under both state and federal laws and is a violation of the rules and regulations of the college. Sexual harassment should not be tolerated by any member of the college community, and any action should be reported.

The college is equally opposed to bad faith claims of sexual harassment which have no rational basis in fact and are deliberately designed to adversely affect the employment or personal relationships of persons against whom the complaint is made.

Sexual harassment constitutes a form of misconduct which undermines the integrity of the college. All employees and students must be allowed to work in an environment free from unsolicited, unwelcome sexual overtures. Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments; it refers to repeated behavior which is not welcome, which is personally offensive, and which interferes with the work or educational effectiveness of its victims and their co-workers or fellow students.

Sexual harassment may occur between individuals of the opposite sex; between individuals of the same sex; between a supervisor and an employee; between an employee and a co-worker; between an employee and a student; between an employee and an applicant for a position at the college; between an employee and an applicant for academic admission to the college; against men as well as women.

Tolerance of sexual harassment on the part of students or employees is not acceptable. It is the responsibility of students and employees to report incidents of sexual harassment. Liability for sexual harassment can be avoided when sexually harassing situations are corrected as soon as the College becomes aware of them. Only by reporting incidents is the College alerted to possible harassment. Therefore, it is necessary for anyone with knowledge of sexual harassment to report such activity. Failure to report sexual harassment may affect the mental or physical well being of the victim. It can prevent the individual from being a fully productive member of the college community.

Sexual harassment includes sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed towards employees, students, applicants for employment, and applicants for academic admission, particularly when one or more of the following circumstances are present: Toleration of sexual harassment as a condition of employment, admission, or academic evaluation; submission to or rejection of sexual harassment as a basis for a personnel or academic decision affecting an individual; interference with an individual’s work or academic performance; creation of an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment.

Actions That May Constitute Sexual Harassment include, but are not limited to:

  1. Comments or jokes about individuals of the opposite sex; explicit, derogatory sexual remarks.
  2. Placement of obscene photographs, cartoons, graphics, or suggestive objects within the workplace or the academic environment.
  3. Physical contact such as patting, grabbing, pinching, or constant brushing against another’s body.
  4. Repeated or unwanted verbal or physical sexual advances which are offensive or objectionable to the recipient or which cause the recipient discomfort or humiliation or which interfere with the recipient’s job or academic performance.
  5. Threat or insinuation that the lack of sexual submission will adversely affect the victim’s employment, wages, advancement, assigned duties, or academic standing.

If You Are a Victim:

  1. Tell the individual, firmly but politely, that you think what he or she is doing is sexual harassment which is against College policy.
  2. If the problem continues, report the problem to an advisor, a faculty member, or a college administrator.
  3. The advisor, faculty member, or administrator will confer with the claimant and refer the person to the College’s Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Officer. If efforts to resolve a complaint informally do not succeed, the aggrieved individual should file a written, formal complaint with the EA/EO officer. The college will not take formal action on an allegation unless the complaint is filed in writing. In the interest of a timely resolution of complaints, a formal complaint must be filed within sixty (60) days of the alleged incident of sexual harassment.
  4. The EA/EO officer shall conduct a prompt, thorough and confidential (to the extent feasible) formal investigation of any allegations of sexual harassment.
  5. All documents, communications, and records dealing with the investigation shall be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible and shall be filed separately from the personnel files and other college records of all participants. All such files shall be maintained in the office of the EA/EO officer.
  6. The EA/EO officer, with advice of counsel, shall file with the president a written report within thirty (30) days after a formal sexual harassment complaint is filed indicating conclusions as to whether or not there is reasonable cause to believe sexual harassment has occurred based on the evidence obtained. The EA/EO officer shall provide a copy of this report and discuss its findings in confidential meetings with the complainant and the accused party.

Filing of a complaint or otherwise reporting sexual harassment will not affect the individual’s current employment or enrollment status, future employment or promotion status, work assignments, future enrollment status, or extracurricular activities. Retaliation against any individual for good faith reporting of a claim of sexual harassment or cooperating in an investigation will not be tolerated and will itself be subject to appropriate discipline. The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the accused, will be respected, consistent with the Board’s legal obligation, and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and take corrective action when this conduct has occurred. If the harassment issue is not sexual in nature, refer to the specific section entitled Harassment.

All buildings owned or operated by the College are designated as nonsmoking areas. Faculty, staff, students, and visitors who choose to use tobacco products or electronic cigarettes may do so only in areas designated for smoking. It is the responsibility of the individual to properly dispose of tobacco waste products (e.g. cigarette remnants, etc.). This policy includes all tobacco products including smokeless tobacco and products that simulate smoking.

Theft, Unauthorized Possession and/or Sale of Property
Students involved in theft, unauthorized possession, and/or sale of property not belonging to them are subject to college disciplinary action as well as the arrest and prosecution by legal authorities.

Unauthorized Use of Facilities
The unauthorized use of, or entry into, any college facility (i.e. classrooms, athletic fields, residence hall rooms), whether by force or not, is prohibited.

Use of Vehicles
Riding of bicycles and/or mopeds in hallways, in buildings or on sidewalks is prohibited. Motorized vehicles, except wheelchairs or mobility scooters, are prohibited in areas other than designated roadways and parking lots. Roller skating or skateboarding is prohibited on the campus in any location at all times.

Violation of Probation
A student who is alleged to have violated the Code of Conduct while on disciplinary probation may be charged with the separate offense of violating disciplinary probation.